【弘化论坛】Membranes for AMore Sustainable Society +Study and Research in the UK

作者: 时间:2023-05-25 点击数:

报告题目:Membranes for A More Sustainable Society +Study and Research in the UK

时 间:2023526日(周五)下午13:30-15:00

地 点:pg游戏官方网站219会议室

报告人:吴振涛副教授英国阿斯顿大学(Aston University

主 办:pg游戏官方网站pg游戏官方网站



报告人简介:Zhentao Wu isanAssociate Professor in Chemical Engineering at Aston University. In the last 15 years, I have led the continuous development of a phase-inversion assisted process for preparing micro-tubular ceramic membranes with enhanced separation performance for energy and environment applications. I have been experienced with material design, processing, characterization, and application, as well as the underlying material science. My research has been published in 64 peer-reviewed journal papers, with nearly 3000 citations and a h-index of 32 (Google Scholar), in addition to five book chapters and four authorized WIPO patents. Since 2018, I have been awarded with nearly £700k of research funding as a Principal Investigator (KTP011654, IES\R3\170353, IEC\NSFC\201014) and PI@Aston (Horizon-2020-INNOMEM_862330).


报告简介:Membrane Science and Technology is playing increasingly significant roles in a more resilient society, especially for the applications of gas and liquid separation which reduces energy cost of conventional separation processes. In this talk, I will outline some fundamentals and principles of membrane separation, aligned with several showcases in water, energy, and environment applications. A very important reason for me to choose this topic is to raise your interest in membrane technology and expand your views of combining it with other subjects and innovative research, which will jointly incubate new ideas, research, innovation, and technology as well as impact the future of this world.

The second part of my talk will focus on introduction of teaching and research in the higher education in the UK, together with tourist resorts mainly in London. I would welcome any related questions and expect open discussions with you this week and hope you would enjoy it as much as I will do.




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