
作者: 时间:2024-09-23 点击数:


20241月毕业于华东理工大学材料科学与工程学院,获博士学位;博士期间与中国科学院上海硅盐酸研究所联合培养;20188月至20208月在中化淮安骏盛新能源科技有限公司从事锂离子软包电池研究工作;20243月到pg游戏官方网站工作。目前已经发表研究论文十余篇,其中以第一作者/通讯作者文章发表在Nano EnergyEnergy Storage MaterChem Eng JRare MetalsJ Power SourcesEnergy等杂志上。曾获得成思危名誉校长一等奖学金和金发科技博士奖学金等。








  • 科研项目

  1. 异质界面ZnCo-LDH@Mo/VxOy耦合结构的可控构筑及其荷质传输机制研究

(No. 24KJB430009, A)项目负责人

  1. 石墨烯负载富含异质界面层状自支撑电极的精准调控及储铵机制研究


  2. 三维多孔石墨烯负载层状钒/钼基化合物自支撑电极及其锌离子电池储能研究

    (No. 52272296) 参与

  • 代表论文

  1. Le Xu, Luyang Chen*, Xifei Li*, et al. 3D frame-like architecture of N-C-incorporated mixed metal phosphide boosting ultrahigh energy density pouch-type supercapacitors. Nano Energy,91 (2022) 106630. (TOP一区,Scopus数据库高被引论文)

  2. Le Xu, Chen Huang, Zile Hua, Luyang Chen*. Optimizing d-band center of tube brush-like CoZn13/Co/ZnO architecture with multiple-heterointerfaces enhancing ion/electron migration toward pseudocapacitive storage, Energy Storage Materials. 61 (2023) 102888. (TOP一区)

  3. Le Xu, Luyang Chen*, Xifei Li*, et al. Superior electronic/ionic transport dynamics of Zn-Co-OH/MnO2 heterointerface containing oxygen vacanciesfor pseudocapacitive storage. Chemical Engineering Journal. 468 (2023) 143551.(TOP一区)

  4. Linping Wang, Le Xu*(通讯), Luyang Chen*, et al. Honeycomb-like MoCo alloy on 3D nitrogen-doped porous graphene for efficient hydrogen evolution reaction. Rare Metals.43 (2024): 1072-1082. (一区)

  5. Le Xu, Yan Zhao*, Mingqing Hua*, Huaming Li*, et al. Morphology controlled preparation of ZnCo2O4 nanostructures for asymmetric supercapacitor with ultrahigh energy density. Energy.123 (2017) 296-304.(TOP一区,ESI高被引论文)

  6. Le Xu, Pusu Zhao*, Luyang Chen*, Xifei Li*, et al. Hierarchically novel bead-curtain-like zinc-cobalt sulfides arrays toward high energy density hybrid supercapacitors via morphology engineering,Journal of Power Sources.489 (2021) 229535.(TOP一区)

  7. Yang Yang#, Le Xu#*(通讯+共一), Luyang Chen*, et al. Hierarchically porous FeP nanospindles wrapped with nitrogen-phosphorus-co-doped carbon for enhanced lithium storage performance. ACS Applied Energy Materials. 5 (2022) 6344-6352.(二区)

  8. Xicheng Xu#, Le Xu#*(通讯+共一), Luyang Chen*, et al. ZIF-derived twisted wedge-shaped CoS2/NC nanoporous architectures pinned to graphene foam as negative electrode for lithium and sodium-ion batteries. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 921 (2022) 116657.(三区)

  9. Hualong Ding#, Le Xu#(共一), Luyang Chen*, et al. Surface and interface engineering of MoNi alloy nanograins bound to Mo-doped NiO nanosheets on 3D graphene foam for high-efficiency water splitting catalysis. Chemical Engineering Journal. 440 (2022) 135847. (TOP一区)

  10. Wanqing Wang#, Le Xu#(共一), Luyang Chen*, et al. Hollow nanospheres constructed by ultrafine few-layered MoS2 partially with amorphous fragments homogeneously incorporated in N-doped amorphous carbon for enhanced lithium storage performance. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 627 (2022) 804-814. (TOP一区)


  1. 赵朴素,孙小军,徐乐,朱凤霞,殷竟洲,陈鑫维。一种硫化钴锌纳米材料及其制备方法和应用。中国发明专利,授权号:CN110563049B

  2. 赵岩,徐乐,崔芬。一种基于铁酸镍纳米颗粒电极材料的制备方法以及应用。中国发明专利,授权号:CN106971855A

  • 科研奖励(市级以上)



  • 所获荣誉:(除了校级教学标兵,其余填写市级以上荣誉。没有的可不填写)




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